Module: lib/formioTranslation
• Const
formCsTranslation: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
alertMessage | string |
alertMessageWithLabel | string |
april | string |
array | string |
array_nonempty | string |
august | string |
cancel | string |
cancelButtonAriaLabel | string |
complete | string |
confirmCancel | string |
day | string |
december | string |
error | string |
errorListHotkey | string |
errorsListNavigationMessage | string |
february | string |
invalidRowError | string |
invalidRowsError | string |
invalid_date | string |
invalid_day | string |
invalid_email | string |
invalid_regex | string |
invalid_url | string |
january | string |
july | string |
june | string |
march | string |
mask | string |
max | string |
maxDate | string |
maxLength | string |
maxWords | string |
maxYear | string |
may | string |
min | string |
minDate | string |
minLength | string |
minWords | string |
minYear | string |
month | string |
next | string |
nextButtonAriaLabel | string |
nonarray | string |
november | string |
october | string |
pattern | string |
previous | string |
previousButtonAriaLabel | string |
required | string |
restoreDraftInstanceError | string |
saveDraftAuthError | string |
saveDraftInstanceError | string |
select | string |
september | string |
stripe | string |
submit | string |
submitButtonAriaLabel | string |
submitError | string |
time | string |
unique | string |
unsavedRowsError | string |
valueIsNotAvailable | string |
year | string |
Defined in
• Const
formEditCsTranslation: Object
Type declaration
Name | Type |
"address" variable references component value, "data" - submission data and "component" - address component schema. | string |
12 Hour Time (AM/PM) | string |
A display mask helps to display the input in a readable way, this won't affect the value which will be saved (to affect both view and saved value, delete Display Mask and use Input Mask).<br><br>9: numeric<br>a: alphabetical<br>*: alphanumeric<br><br>Example telephone mask: (999) 999-9999<br><br>See the <a target='_blank' href=''>jquery.inputmask documentation</a> for more information.</a> | string |
A hidden field is still a part of the form, but is hidden from view. | string |
A raw JSON object to use as options for the Select component (Choices JS). | string |
A required field must be filled in before the form can be submitted. | string |
Add Another | string |
Add Another Position | string |
Add Another Text | string |
Add Attribute | string |
Add Logic | string |
Address | string |
Adds a tooltip to the side of this field. | string |
Advanced | string |
Advanced Conditions | string |
Advanced Logic | string |
Advanced Logic Configured | string |
Allow Manual Input | string |
Allow Manual Override of Calculated Value | string |
Allow Multiple Masks | string |
Allow Reorder | string |
Allow Spellcheck | string |
Allow save rows even if their data is invalid. Errors will occur when try to submit with invalid rows. | string |
An alias for "utils". | string |
An input mask helps the user with input by ensuring a predefined format.<br><br>9: numeric<br>a: alphabetical<br>*: alphanumeric<br><br>Example telephone mask: (999) 999-9999<br><br>See the <a target='_blank' href=''>jquery.inputmask documentation</a> for more information.</a> | string |
An instance of Lodash. | string |
An instance of the FormioUtils object. | string |
Any Change | string |
Array of Tags | string |
At what point does the match algorithm give up. A threshold of 0.0 requires a perfect match, a threshold of 1.0 would match anything. | string |
Attribute | string |
Attribute Name | string |
Attribute Value | string |
Attributes | string |
Auto adjust columns | string |
Autocomplete | string |
Autotype | string |
Background Color | string |
Basic | string |
Block Button | string |
Blur | string |
Bordered | string |
Both | string |
Bottom | string |
Button | string |
CSS Class | string |
Calculate Value on server | string |
Calculated Value | string |
Cancel | string |
Cell Alignment | string |
Change | string |
Check if you want to hide Add Another button and Remove Row button | string |
Check if you would like to show the Key before the Value column. | string |
Check this if you wish to perform the validation ONLY on the server side. This keeps your validation logic private and secret. | string |
Check this if you would like to allow the user to manually enter in the date. | string |
Check this if you would like to open up the first row when the EditGrid is empty | string |
Check this if you would like to show just the value when in Read Only mode. | string |
Check this if you would like your changes within 'edit' mode to be committed directly to the submission object as that row is being changed | string |
Checkbox | string |
Checking this will run the calculation on the server. This is useful if you wish to override the values submitted with the calculations performed on the server. | string |
Choices.js options | string |
Clear Icon allows easily clear component's value. | string |
Clear Value On Refresh Option | string |
Clear Value When Hidden | string |
Click here for an example | string |
Client | string |
Collapsible | string |
Column Properties | string |
Columns | string |
Condense the size of the table. | string |
Condensed | string |
Conditional | string |
Conditional Add Button | string |
Container | string |
Content | string |
Contextual "row" data, used within DataGrid, EditGrid, and Container components | string |
Copy | string |
Currency | string |
Custom | string |
Custom CSS Class | string |
Custom CSS class to add to this component. | string |
Custom Default Value | string |
Custom Error Message | string |
Custom Errors | string |
Custom Properties | string |
Custom Validation | string |
Data Grid | string |
Data Map | string |
Data Source Type | string |
Database Index | string |
Date / Time | string |
Day | string |
Default Date | string |
Default Value | string |
Delimiter | string |
Description | string |
Description for this field. | string |
Determines when this component should trigger front-end validation. | string |
Disable Adding / Removing Rows | string |
Disable Clear Icon | string |
Disable on Form Invalid | string |
Disable the form input. | string |
Disabled | string |
Disables search algorithm threshold. | string |
Display | string |
Display EditGrid as Table | string |
Display Mask | string |
Display a modal to add or edit entries in the table | string |
Display as | string |
Display as Modal | string |
Display in Timezone | string |
Display time in 12 hour time with AM/PM. | string |
Displays the checkboxes/radios horizontally. | string |
Drag and Drop a form component | string |
Edit | string |
Edit Grid | string |
Edit JSON | string |
Enable | string |
Enable Manual Mode | string |
Enable Row Drafts | string |
Enable Row Groups | string |
Enable Static Search | string |
Enable Time Input | string |
Enables time input for this field. | string |
Enables to use calendar to set date. | string |
Enables to use input for moment functions instead of calendar. | string |
Encrypted (Enterprise Only) | string |
Encryption is not available with your current plan. Please contact [email protected]. | string |
Enter Manual Mode View String | string |
Enter custom javascript code. | string |
Enter custom validation code. | string |
Enter icon classes | string |
Enter the number or columns that should be displayed by this table. | string |
Enter the number or rows that should be displayed by this table. | string |
Equal column width | string |
Error Label | string |
Error message displayed if any error occurred. | string |
Example | string |
Example: | string |
Execute custom logic using JSONLogic. | string |
Field Label | string |
Field Set | string |
Field Tags | string |
Footer Label | string |
Footer Template | string |
Format | string |
Full Lodash support is provided using an "_" before each operation, such as {"_sum": {var: "data.a"}} | string |
HTML Attributes | string |
HTML Element | string |
Has the value: | string |
Header Template | string |
Height | string |
Help | string |
Hidden | string |
Hide Input | string |
Hide Label | string |
Hide the input in the browser. This does not encrypt on the server. Do not use for passwords. | string |
Hide the label (title, if no label) of this component. This allows you to show the label in the form builder, but not when it is rendered. | string |
Highlight a row on hover. | string |
Hour Step Size | string |
ID Path | string |
If checked, this will turn this Panel into a collapsible panel. | string |
Indicates whether input elements can by default have their values automatically completed by the browser. See the <a href=''>MDN documentation</a> on autocomplete for more information. | string |
Initial Focus | string |
Initialize Empty | string |
Inline Editing | string |
Inline Layout | string |
Input Format | string |
Input Mask | string |
Input Type | string |
Item Template | string |
JSONLogic Validation | string |
Key | string |
Label | string |
Label Margin | string |
Label Position | string |
Label Width | string |
Label for Key column | string |
Layout | string |
Left | string |
Left (Left-aligned) | string |
Left (Right-aligned) | string |
Left Icon | string |
Logic | string |
Lowercase | string |
Make this field the initially focused element on this form. | string |
Makes sure the data submitted for this field is unique, and has not been submitted before. | string |
Manual Mode View String | string |
Max Tags | string |
Maximum Length | string |
Maximum Word Length | string |
Minimum Length | string |
Minimum Word Length | string |
Minute Step Size | string |
Mixed (Allow upper and lower case) | string |
Modal Edit | string |
Move | string |
Multiple Values | string |
Name | string |
None | string |
Note: Advanced Conditional logic will override the results of the Simple Conditional logic. | string |
Number | string |
Number of Columns | string |
Number of Rows | string |
Object | string |
Open First Row when Empty | string |
Opens up a modal to edit the value of this component. | string |
PDF Overlay | string |
Page | string |
Password | string |
Path | string |
Path to the select option id. | string |
Persistent | string |
Phone Number | string |
Placeholder | string |
Plain | string |
Position for the label for this field. | string |
Prefix | string |
Preview | string |
Property Name | string |
Protected | string |
Provide a label text for Key column (otherwise 'Key' will be used) | string |
Provide a map of HTML attributes for component's input element (attributes provided by other component settings or other attributes generated by take precedence over attributes in this grid) | string |
Provider | string |
Radio | string |
Raw (Insecure) | string |
Raw JSON | string |
Read Only Value | string |
Redraw On | string |
Refresh On Change | string |
Refresh Options On | string |
Refresh Options On Blur | string |
Refresh data when another field changes. | string |
Refresh data when another field is blured. | string |
Regular Expression Pattern | string |
Remove | string |
Remove Row Text | string |
Required | string |
Resource | string |
Right (Left-aligned) | string |
Right (Right-aligned) | string |
Right Icon | string |
Row CSS Class | string |
Row Template | string |
Rows | string |
Save | string |
Save Row Text | string |
Search Threshold | string |
Secret Validation | string |
Select | string |
Select Boxes | string |
Select your search address provider | string |
Set the text of the Add Another button. | string |
Set the text of the remove Row button. | string |
Set this field as an index within the database. Increases performance for submission queries. | string |
Sets the tabindex attribute of this component to override the tab order of the form. See the <a href=''>MDN documentation</a> on tabindex for more information. | string |
Shortcut | string |
Shortcut Buttons | string |
Shortcut for this component. | string |
Should Manual Mode be enabled for that component or not. | string |
Show Character Counter | string |
Show Word Counter | string |
Show a live count of the number of characters. | string |
Show a live count of the number of words. | string |
Show key column before value | string |
Shows this value within the table view of the submissions. | string |
Signature | string |
Simple | string |
Size | string |
Specify condition when Add Button should be displayed. | string |
Specify template which should be when quering view string for the component value entered in manual mode. This string is used in table view, CSV export and email rendering. When left blank combined value of all components joined with comma will be used. | string |
Storage Type | string |
Store As | string |
String | string |
String (CSV) | string |
Striped | string |
Style | string |
Submit | string |
Submit (submit) | string |
Suffix | string |
Survey | string |
Table | string |
Table View | string |
Tabs | string |
Tag the field for use in custom logic. | string |
Tags | string |
Templates | string |
Text Area | string |
Text Case | string |
Text Field | string |
The DataGrid will have no visible rows when initialized. | string |
The HTML template for the result data items. | string |
The background color of the signature area. | string |
The complete form JSON object | string |
The complete submission data object. | string |
The complete submission object. | string |
The current component JSON | string |
The current component instance. | string |
The current value of the component. | string |
The date format for displaying the datetime value. | string |
The decoded JWT token for the authenticated user. | string |
The description is text that will appear below the input field. | string |
The following variables are available in all scripts. | string |
The label for this field that will appear next to it. | string |
The label for this field when an error occurs. | string |
The maximum amount of tags that can be added. 0 for infinity. | string |
The maximum amount of words that can be added to this field. | string |
The maximum length requirement this field must meet. | string |
The minimum amount of words that can be added to this field. | string |
The minimum length requirement this field must meet. | string |
The moment.js library for date manipulation. | string |
The name of this field in the API endpoint. | string |
The number of hours to increment/decrement in the time picker. | string |
The number of minutes to increment/decrement in the time picker. | string |
The placeholder text that will appear when this field is empty. | string |
The regular expression pattern test that the field value must pass before the form can be submitted. | string |
The settings inside apply only to the PDF forms. | string |
The type to store the data. If you select something other than autotype, it will force it to that type. | string |
The value that was input into this component | string |
The widget is the display UI used to input the value of the field. | string |
The width of label margin on line in percentages. | string |
The width of label on line in percentages. | string |
The width, offset, push, and pull settings for each column. | string |
Theme | string |
This allows you to configure any custom properties for this component. | string |
This component should Display: | string |
This control should span the full width of the bounding container. | string |
This is the full icon class string to show the icon. Example: 'fa fa-plus' | string |
This is the input type used for this checkbox. | string |
This will border the table if checked. | string |
This will disable this field if the form is invalid. | string |
This will stripe the table if checked. | string |
Three available variables. "row" is an object of one row's data, "components" is the array of components in the grid and "state" is current row's state (can be "draft" or "saved"). To add click events, add the classes "editRow" and "removeRow" to elements. | string |
Time | string |
Title | string |
To add a tooltip to this field, enter text here. | string |
Tooltip | string |
Top | string |
Tree | string |
Truncate Multiple Spaces | string |
Two available variables. "value" is the array of row data and "components" is the array of components in the grid. | string |
Type | string |
Type to search | string |
Unique | string |
Unique Options | string |
Uppercase | string |
Use Input to add moment.js for maxDate | string |
Use Input to add moment.js for minDate | string |
Use Locale Settings | string |
Use calendar to set maxDate | string |
Use calendar to set minDate | string |
Use exact search | string |
Use formats provided by DateParser Codes | string |
Use locale settings to display date and time. | string |
Validate On | string |
Validate this email using the Kickbox email validation service. | string |
Validation | string |
Value | string |
Values | string |
What is used to separate the tags. | string |
When a field is hidden, clear the value. | string |
When checked, the select dropdown will allow for searching within the static list of items provided. | string |
When checked, this will allow the user to manually override the calculated value. | string |
When data is entered, you can change the case of the value. | string |
When the Refresh On field is changed, clear this components value. | string |
When the form component: | string |
Which address search service should be used. | string |
Width | string |
Will automatically adjust columns based on if nested components are hidden. | string |
You can specify few buttons which will be shown above the calendar. Use Label to specify the name of the button and onClick to specify which date/time will be set when user clicks the button. E.g, date = new Date() | string |
You must assign the show variable a boolean result. | string |
You must assign the valid variable as either true or an error message if validation fails. | string |
of Location | string |
of Submission | string |
of Viewer | string |